My own journey to writing a blog and having a website was ignited by my husband. He told me that after losing 50 pounds and keeping it off over 7 years now, that I had an obligation to help others to their healthiest and happiest selves. This led to Superior Self with KJ Landis, a series of books, blogs, videos, and workshops all over the USA. I spent years in libraries, reading the books and clinical trials of theories and experiments in health ans wellness. I took online certificate classes at prestigious universities. I have a gift of storytelling. Still, I didn't know if folks would read or subscribe to my page. And that was perfectly okay. It was about my need to express and help others.
The in-person workshops are on a variety of health topics, and are always hands-on with the participants actively doing something as they learn. From “fermented foods” to “silence as a healer” to “grain free-sugar free desserts,” the guest always leave happy, educated, and with something in their hands to take home.
My website and activities in the wellness world have kept me busy coaching private clients on fat loss, fitness, eating well on a budget, and so much more.
The money I make from the wellness blogs and activities is about $6000 a year. I also have two other jobs, teaching fitness classes at a hot yoga studio and serving in a hotel restaurant in the evenings. I love all of my work with a fierce passion. The satisfaction of clients coming up to me within 2 months and crying for joy and happiness because their type 2 diabetes is gone cannot be measured in dollars and cents.
My age is 54. So, yes, one can really have a side gig and make money at any age if the time and heart are invested. I have 2 teens and a fabulous husband who supports me following my dreams in helping others become their superior selves.
I hope this helps you on your journey towards fulfilling your dreams.
KJ Landis
SuperiorSelf on YouTube