We really do not know what that means until we dig deeper and see how the food product affects us individually. We also have to read food ingredients lists carefully. (Cyanide is all natural too.)
Some items I think may be touted as healthful but aren't:
Whole wheat bread: bread is made from wheat, and any refined and processed wheat has gluten in it. Most people are sensitive to gluten whether they are allergic to gluten or not. All plant matter turns into sugar in the blood stream. The finer the grind of the wheat berry, the higher the sugar content, called the glycemic index. This raises the glucose sugar levels in our bloodstream during digestion. This is great if we are exercising vigorously soon afterwards but not so good if we are more sedentary. Our body only holds about a teaspoon of glucose in it at any one time. Two slices of whole wheat bread have a lot more than that. Where can the body store the sugar? If not usedThe liver may converts the sugar into fat to be used at a later time.
Low calorie sports drinks : now that there are low calorie energy drinks and sports recovery drinks my kids want some after volleyball practice or tennis. I have to say no. I offer them homemade lemonade with a pinch of XYLA or Lakanto instead. The sports drinks on the market have chemical sugar substitutes in them. The body doesn't know what to do with the substitute. Sometimes it reacts in the brain as if it had sugar and makes us crave sugar anyway later on. Some chemical sugar substitutes have excitotoxins in them which excite brain cells so much that they explode and die off.
Supplement tablets: many store bought supplement tablets are pressed and bound with cement and talc. These binding agents not only keep the price of the vitamins low, they keep the supplements from being absorbed into the body. They aren't the most healthful thing you can choose. I think the best way to get vitamins and minerals into our bodies is through nutrient dense foods.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if I may assist any more. I want to hear from you. What do you see that looks healthy but later on find out is not so good for you?
KJ Landis
Author and creator of the Superior Self series and workshops