My clients certainly respond to positive affirmations and giving oneself a big pat on the back with every baby step that they accomplish. That is not to say that they do not have to do the hard work, but encouraging oneself as well as getting encouragement and support from others is paramount. Sometimes in order to be motivated to get healthy and stay healthy we must distance ourselves from those folks who are either trying to sabotage our life changing effort, or say goodbye to them forever. One’s real friends will show their true colors at a challenging time. The folks who are not honestly there for you will reveal themselves as well.
Sometimes others are just jealous of the newfound commitment and body changing images. Sometimes it is difficult for them to look into the mirror at their own habits which may not serve their own health or higher purposes in life. Seeing others move forward with their health and life goal make them feel uncomfortable. This may be unconventional health advice, but I do suggest that one takes a long look at their close friends and family members at this time and make some important life decisions for future relationships. That is my number one motivational tip for a healthy long-lasting relationship with oneself, because that is the most important relationship we have anyway.
I hope this helps you figure out what you can do to make sure your life represents your inner authentic self.
KJ Landis