Now, go from that thought to the thought of the 80/20 rule. I believe if we eat clean and green 80 percent of the time, our health will benefit 100 percent of the time. The choices we make as our treats and celebrations outside of our normal lifestyle, as crazy as they may be, will not derail us long term in our wellness. I take rest days off from exercise. I take rest days off from juicing and vitamins. I take rest days off from work. I am learning to enjoy my 20 percent "PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR" moments without negative self judgement and self deprecation. Now that, my friends is FOOD FREEDOM!! It is also what comes with time, with age, and with being comfortable in my own skin.
The 80/20 rule does not mean eat some foods that you know will make you ill afterwards. That seems like punishment to me. We each have individual allergies, sensitivities, and desires, so let's work within our individual biochemistry. I invite you to join me on this freedom journey.
KJ Landis