A few minutes later the medical assistant squeezed me in between two other appointments, ushered me in quickly and told me to get on the scale. I froze at the doorway. It was open. I said, "No scales please. It's on my chart. They aren't supposed to weigh me."
The woman, Liza, slid her glasses down her nose, looked sternly at me at said quietly, "I got you an appointment when you didn't have an appointment. Get in here and get on this scale right now."
Sheepishly, I did as I was told, taking off as many layers of clothing as I could as fast as I could. I took of my backpack and shoes too.
183. The scale said 183. I was tearing up a little and the inner Negative Nancy was having her way with me. How could this be? I was a personal trainer, a fitness trainer, teaching step aerobics, indoor cycling classes, lifting weights, running, and I had even completed 16 marathons. I ate low-fat or no-fat breads, crackers, cereals and snack foods. I ate lots of fruits and veggies, beans, and healthy whole grains. Something was awry. At that moment I chose to transform my outside to match the powerful feeling of who I was on the inside: awesome and kooky KJ.
That's the exact moment I knew I had to do something to lose fat and change my life.
I want to hear from you? Did you have a moment in your life when you knew something had to change?
KJ Landis