Wendy works for a self help and transformative company. They host intensive, weeklong therapy sessions where true personal change can happen. At first I thought she may have tried to reach the wrong person. How could I help her? She has coaching available at her fingertips.
She asked me to coach her on a 26 day round of HCG because she heard my story and advice when I was a guest on the HCG Body for Life podcast. Wendy said she had been trying to reach me for a long time. She felt my messages of continued health and maintenance had concrete advice and spiritual wisdoms that resonated with her. She had done HCG before and had cheated every few days. She had gained and lost the same 10 to 15 pounds a few times. Her desire was to stop the yoyo dieting and finally be in a place where she could not obsess about her size. She wanted to breathe and be free!
Our work together has been very honest and fulfilling for both of us. She realized that her cheating while on the HCG was a reflection of her bucking authority. What a real breakthrough. Wendy is inspiring to me because she never gives up. The striving to better her life, to let go of the past, and to follow new rules that she makes herself is uncharted territory. Go Wendy, go!
Ricky was one of my biggest skeptics. He came to one of my wellness workshops in the middle of the nine week series. He was 30 pounds overweight. He had severe allergies and asthma his entire adult life. The allergies and asthma kept him from moving around very often or very well. Regular exercise was not available to him in his current condition. Ricky had constant constipation for ten years, caused by his medications.
He was jaded to say the least, but he stayed with me for the entire workshop, asked questions and proceeded to promise to do the first step, the gallon of water a day for a month (he chose the slower promises to himself rather than the weekly shifts, which is completely fine with me).
Ricky is in his 60s and is a talented painter and comedian. He made jokes about the Guide to Wellness from Within that got the whole room rolling with laughter, but I was well aware that his humor was an attempt to cover up his fear.
Fast forward thirty days: Ricky has lost 10 pounds without changing anything else in his diet. He is more energized to complete his honey-do list that the family gives him. He is clearer with his thoughts, and his relationships with his sons have improved. His battle with constipation is over. Ricky walks an hour every day around his neighborhood. He now is my biggest supporter, and is ready to take on step two, removing wheat and gluten from his diet. He is excited to see where the steps take him, now that he has seen proof that it works!
Vivian and I met in a silent, sweaty hot yoga class. She chatted with me after class, when usually people crawl to the door like limp rags. At age 83, Vivian had been doing hot yoga for years, took an eight year break, and then came back. She still worked, drove, and took care of a house with an extensive garden. Vivian and I talked every few days. One morning she shared that she had type 2 diabetes. She was shaped like an apple but not fat by any means. I was surprised that she had diabetes. Vivian asked me to meet her at the library and walk her through the Guide to Wellness from Within. We met and discussed the steps to help shift her eating and drinking, but she was already doing most of the program on her own volition. There were only a few corrections to be tackled. She took notes and took me seriously.
I checked in with her every few weeks and we have had some great conversations full of light and laughter. There is a great mutual respect there. I respect Vivian because of her agility and her ability to be fully active and vibrant as a senior in today’s world. Many folks her age are slowing way down. She respects me because I was willing to help her and take time away from my children and jobs in order to give her the tools that she could use practically to change her health for the better.
I’m beaming with pride at her progress. Vivian has reported to me that after just three months of using the guide, her doctor told her that her diabetes is completely gone. She continues to test her blood sugar levels with a glucose monitor and is sweetly satisfied that her numbers are now in the optimum range every day. Vivian is an inspiration to the rest of the world because she shows us that you can teach an old dog new tricks after all. It is never too late, especially when the results are proof that when one does the work, the work leads to measurable success.
KJ Landis