Use that coupon, or lose your opportunity for a great deal! You can feed a family of four for only $10.00! But, it's for a limited time only! Get your tailgate party on! Celebrate, HAPPY ________! Eat more, eat now, or lose your chance at being the lucky one!
Sounds so good and perfect timing, right? I want to allow us to get off the emotional roller coaster we are on when watching or listening to those ads. We celebrate life and death with food. We celebrate almost every milestone in between life and death with food. Usually, it is with sweets and treats, as well as alcohol and munchy junk food.
So, how do we identify true hunger from emotionally charged hunger? Are we eating because it is time for lunch, or because we have a growling stomach?
Emotional hunger stems from all the reasons stated above, as well as from those moments of depression and despair, anger or resentment after an argument, a moment of revenge.
True hunger, on the other hand, is more easily identified when we do not have the packaged, processed chemicals coursing through our bodies, confusing the cravings caused by confused hormone response. When we begin to eat clean and green, as I like to call it, we will develop a shift in our mind-body awareness, including our hunger signals. Our body's systems will be in balance more often, and the longer we eat in a real, whole foods template, we will know when we are hungry because we have expended a great deal of energy and need to replenish, versus going to the cabinet after a commercial for popcorn, chips, hot pockets, etc....
For me, the benefit of eating clean and drinking a gallon of water a day has been to divorce the idea that food is reward or punishment, good or bad, or that I am a good or bad person based upon what I put in my mouth. We are a social species, and we can learn to bond with other activities rather than food feasts. When we do celebrate, we can bring a different feast to the table.
What are your thoughts?
KJ Landis, Author of Superior Self: Reaching Superior Health For A Superior Self
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