Beginning anything new is fun, exhilarating, and sometimes a little scary. I remember when I decided to write my first book. I wrote the book by hand on composition notebooks that I bought at the dollar store. I did not know how to type, I didn't have any internet experience other than shopping, and Microsoft Word was foreign to me. I contacted my mouse squad, my two children, and they taught me everything.
I love the generations that followed me because they have all of the tech stuff down pat. They grow up with that stuff. It's as easy to them as cursive handwriting is to me. Cursive handwriting is not even taught in schools anymore! So that task is difficult for my kids. As they taught me all of the modern computer and typing methods, I made them sit down and practice cursive writing. I hope it serves them well later on in life.
Having a first moment or day when attempting anything different in our lives is called DAY 1. Remember the New Year's Resolutions? How long have they lasted now that it is February? Instead of thinking of yourself as a success or failure, just focus on doing WHATEVER for one day. Then tomorrow, you have just to get through that one day. Before you know it, you can cross out the boxes on the calendar and holler for victory. Your repeated 1 DAY became a series of awesome successes.
That is exactly what happened to me when I gave up alcohol during November and December for my 60 DAY personal challenge. It felt daunting and the negative self talk was all around me and within me. When I broke my pattern of negativity, I got through one day. Then 2 days, and so on. I made it!
How about you? What seems undoable to you until you get through one day? I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis
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