Since moving here in 1997, I have given money and food to the homeless. I donate to different missions around the Bay. What can we do to help? Sometmes a smile or a hello along with a smile can uplift someone in that situation. Asking how someone got to be in their predicament will help us to really listen and understand. Peope love to share their stories. Humans want to be heard. Most regular working class folks are only a few paychecks away from being homeless. After I was laid off from all 3 of my regular jobs, I held a prayerful place for the homeless in a new way deep inside of me.
Have you thought deeply about the homeless citizens in your world? What do you do to help the less fortunate? Have you even considered he homeless and the programs in place to help them?
I want to hear from you. Compassion, empathy, and action go hand in hand, hand in heart.
KJ Landis
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