I believe prevention is key in medicine. The intestines are our entry to immunity building and vital health. So, what we eat truly affects our entire body systems. And yet, despite all of the good things we eat, sometimes we cannot escape disease or chronic conditions. Our environment has over 85,000 man made chemicals floating around every day. Our body understands nature. It doesn't know what to do with all of the "strangers" floating around and treats them like toxins. It also creates us to be estrogen dominant. The body wants to be in balance at all times. This is called homeostasis. A lot of foreign substances we put in, on, and around our bodies are kicking us out of balance. That creates stress and inflammation at every level, whether we acknowledge it or not.
What can we do? We can educate ourselves by reading labels, drinking lots of clean water, and practice restorative movements. We can also take food based supplements and adaptogenic herbs which adapt to our bodies' needs. Some of the basics in herbal medicine include teas, essential oils, extracts, and mixtures of all of those. Some more advanced herbs are in powdered or capsule forms.
Considering the costs of mainstream medicine, perhaps prevention is worth every penny. If I eat nutrient dense foods, drink lots of clean water, and take plant based pure supplements, I can hopefully not suffer from chronic conditions. Plant based medicines cannot be patented in and of themselves, and are not regulated in the way pharmaceutical drugs are. It costs approximately $730 million dollars to have the FDA approve a medical drug. This may explain why nobody had spent the money to do the rigorous testing on chamomile or echinacea. Eighty percent of the world's population uses plant based medicine. Most of these folks are at poverty level. It requires self learning and a partnership with one's health practitioners. It requires a getting to know oneself at an intimate level.
Do do you want to know yourself more? Do you want to practice self care rather than sick care?
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