When their doctors ask them what they are doing to make their blood work and other health markers improve so steeply and so rapidly, they mention Superior Self's Guide to Wellness from Within. They offer to introduce me to the doctor and I am now working with creating wellness workshops in doctors' communities.
The elephant in the room that we don't talk about is the crap that we put on our bodies rather than into our bodies. As many foods that there are out there in the world, there are at least three times as many skin care and hair care products. From makeup to sunscreen, perfumes to conditioners, acne control to moisturizers, new products are being created in laboratories every day. Each new product promises to be the best one that will solve all our skin and hair problems, create a love life that's remarkable, and just may be the answer to world peace.
The truth is a bid murkier. Most modern skin care and hair care products have chemicals in them I can't pronounce, and cause hormonal disregulation. They are bad for us and even worse for the environment. They are full of estrogens. (Even our cleaning supplies have estrogens in them!) We believed the hype for so long, but now we have some companies using truly natural and healthful ingredients.
The skin is our largest organ. It absorbs everything in the environment as well as what we directly put on it. We owe it to ourselves to take care of our entire selves, inside and out. I personally have stopped using moisturizer on my skin other than edible oils, like olive oil, coconut oil, carrot oil, grape seed oil, etc. If it can go in my body, then I will put it on my body and hair. I try and find the most natural sunscreen I can. Old fashioned zinc is a winner against sunburn although it doesn't look sexy. Sometimes I use baby products. I figure more time and energy is used in making things safe for infants. I may be wrong. (I may have bought swamp land in Florida!)
So, I close this blog asking you to read ingredient lists on your skin and hair products the next time you are at the store. Google terms you don't understand. Be a participant in your whole health, inside and out. Research alternatives in lotions and potions. Make your own! Be creative.
I want to hear from you.
KJ Landis
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