It took me a while to gather myself. I was trying not to get emotional or judgmental. Everybody is on their own individual and unique journey, remember?
Then, with some research data at my side, I replied.
"Sweet, young man! The human body is a remarkable machine. We can put it through so much trauma and hardship, not feed it correctly, and still we survive. You are considered one of the so-called "lucky ones" by your peers. You may look and feel good now, but give your body another 20 years of abuse and less than healthy choices, and you may find your self in a steady state of decline."
We hear of people like this all the time. They are "skinny-fat." Skinny on the outside, but their organs and systems are less than ideal on the inside. Treat your body like you would a new girlfriend. You put your best foot forward, you are polite, loving, romantic. You have a benefit of giving and receiving the right chemicals and hormones to make everything just....fantastic in the beginning of the relationship. Honor your own self in the highest degree. Be your own girlfriend!
When we don't eat well, our sex drive and hormones are affected. We may not even be able to procreate. I believe we have a personal responsibility to protect our DNA so we don't screw it up for future generations.
What are some actionable steps we can take to guard that the human race continues to thrive? We modern people tend to complicate things, with our fancy buildings, smart phones, and sleek cars. We feel so advanced, yet many are so unhappy and unhealthy.
Here are some simple and doable steps in the right direction:
1. Go out and play in nature. Even for 15-20 minutes. You will feel sunny inside.
2. Swap out the grains for healthy dietary fats. Your intestines and joints will thank you almost immediately!
3. Look for stimulation from lifting heavy things rather than from energy drinks. You will get just as high and have sustainable results that will positively affect every other area of your multifaceted life!
So, my friends, I ask you young folks who are hot and sexy but don't take great care of yourselves, do you want to take unnecessary risks with your own lives or with the lives of your children and grandchildren? After all, we are borrowing our time here from them...
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KJ Landis, Author of Superior Self: Reaching Superior Health For A Superior Self
Superior Self, the book available now! Click here to order!